What is a timelapse?

Timelapse, time-lapse - what's in a name?

A timelapse, also called time-lapse, is an ' accelerated' video showing a particular event.
It consists of a series of pictures taken over a long period of time. Those images are sequenced at a high frequency. The otherwise static photographs produce a dynamic film at the end of that period.

Timelapse videos are often used in marketing and communications, for a construction project or an event, among other things. These accelerated videos also provide quick insight into the progress and follow-up of a site. Timelapses are also used in nature documentaries, such as Planet Earth or Our Planet, to visualize the growth and blooming of plants or flowers or the passing of the seasons. The C-Site cameras are high-quality IP cameras connected to a weatherproof housing. This ensures that the images are streamed live, via a 4G connection to the platform. Thus, the cameras take up to 70,000 pictures of one project!

How to make a timelapse?

The trick to a successful timelapse video is that the camera position remains unchanged throughout the entire period.
Pictures should be taken at regular intervals and at a fixed interval. For example, every 5 to 15 minutes. Keep in mind that the frequency should be proportional to the level of activity on the job site in order to achieve a nice timelapse of your construction project. In addition, you better leave the dark night shots and the moments when there is no activity on the construction site out of the final time lapse.

Discover the dynamics of a timelapse

In as little as one minute, you show how you handled a project of months. This way you put your company's expertise in the spotlight in a very accessible way. Inspire your stakeholders (customers, suppliers, investors, neighbors,...) with a cool timelapse at the end of your project or provide them with periodic timelapse videos to keep them updated. C-SITE also allows you to post a public timelapse on your project website. The video is automatically refreshed each time and was placed on website once using a URL.                                                          

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